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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Appendix I. Booklet 18 - Entities (Complete) (HCL-18a) - L520310e | Сравнить
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- Main and Sub-Theta Line (HOM-2, TTT-2, HCL-19b) - L520310g | Сравнить
- Organization of Data (HOM-1, TTT-1, HCL-19a) - L520310f | Сравнить
- Principal Incidents on the Theta Line (HOM-4, TTT-4, HCL-20b) - L520310i | Сравнить
- Running Effort and Counter-Effort (HCL-17) - L520310b | Сравнить
- Success of Dianetics (HCL-17a) - L520310c | Сравнить
- Theta and Genetic Lines of Earth (HOM-3, TTT-3, HCL-20a) - L520310h | Сравнить
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CONTENTS MAIN AND SUB-THETA LINE Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 10 March 1952


A lecture given on 10 March 1952
If you were to take a person you were training as an auditor at a moment before they had put their hands on a single case, you were to cross-question this person with the relationship to how he felt, you would probably discover that he had a certain antipathy toward doing anything else about another mind.

In R&D 10 under the title "Theta Lines".

The mind, after all, has been granted supernatural tendencies, it back through all of his lives has been very definitely connected with the supernatural, He has many things against touching the mind of somebody else. Quite in addition to that, Service Facsimile One, plus its overt acts, practically prohibits touching somebody else’s mind, Service Facsimile One says, “Touch them,” And then its overt acts finally pile up and says, “Don’t touch anybody else’s mind.”

Lecture 19B of the Hubbard College Lectures (HCL-19B) of 10 MAR 52, also issued as the second cassette of the Time Track of Theta series. On the old HCL reels, there is no gap between Series 1 and Series 2, they play consecutively as the hour long lecture HCL-19.

Well, this is something which you as a - an instructor would have to overcome, You would have to demonstrate to this student that it was possible for him to do something to somebody else’s mind without himself blowing up or inverting or having somebody come along and issue him a summons to appear before the great temple priest or something of the sort.

The R&D transcript (new volume 10) was compared to the old reels. Only a few trivial discrepancies were found and are marked inside & & symbols. And there was one case in the second lecture where a phrase was in the R&D and left out of the tape, possibly due to splicing out a garbled section, and that is marked within && && symbols.

Now, it is perfectly true that a person beginning to audit is subject to, to some degree, restimulation. It’s not very dangerous. Actually is overrated in the amount an auditor becomes restimulated and gets somatics, But do you know, I don’t know of any auditors going off the pin because they were auditing. So that theory and danger isn’t there.

You’ll find them superstitious to this degree: You will find that when they audit somebody, they think if they audit somebody, then they’re going to have to take over the facsimiles they’re taking out of that other person. Well, the way this really works out is quite simple.

Now, just as I was describing what Scientology embraces, so might also be described the main theta body and subtheta bodies. Theoretically, you could graph this so that up here [marking on blackboard] you have the – thinking of the material universe – up here you could have the main body of theta. Here is theta. Now, down here, perhaps, you have several material universes. Could be an infinite number of material universes, or an infinite number of parts to one material universe as far as that's concerned. We don't care particularly about that.

The student starting to audit, or the auditor starting to audit somebody else, suddenly clips some overt act of his own and he thinks - at the moment, he fails to differeratiate, and he thinks he’s actually rendering these pains to the preclear, and it merely turns on his motivator against himself. You see how that would be?

But we do care very much about this manifestation when we start tracking back preclears. The discovery of the existence of memory filed complete against time was in itself a considerable discovery, because it started to lead in toward a discovery of the source of individuals and individuation. An exploration of this line, of course, would naturally parallel to some slight degree any other search ever made on the subject. It would parallel biology, it would parallel religion, mysticism. It would to some degree parallel anybody or anything that ever thought along this line – the difference being that now we had a tool, we had a precision investigation tool. We had an application – a technique of application which could sort out delusion from actuality and which could recover any and every incident in the entire life span of the individual.

So he’d pick up the somatics the preclear is picking up because anybody has literally billions and billions of incidents which they can turn on, and so they would just match up an incident. They’ll say, “Look what I’m doing to this preclear, I’m sorry I did to this preclear,” and so on. So he gets the somatics himself in an effort not to get the preclear to get the somatics.

The advent of this tool was a long time ago – about fourteen years ago, actually, and it was not in very full use, really, until about five years ago, and then it was in VERY full use. And the more it was used – the technique of discovering the recalled memories of an individual – the more was learned. And understand, it was being learned for the first time on a precision-tool basis. That is a bit different than other parallel lines of research.

Actually if you want to play around with it, you can move over into the body of the preclear. You can move the preclear’s body into yours. You can do all sorts of weird, weird things that are quite valid, but you don’t have to. And just routine auditing doesn’t contain these things.

Now, you take mysticism. Mysticism was a HIGHLY valid line of research – HIGHLY valid. It, however, contained many speculations, and in itself said that it contained many speculations, and when employed would quite often throw the mystic into a very bad state of disrepair. As a consequence it was not a particularly safe tool, but it was a tool.

All right. The best way, I would say, to get over this would be to demonstrate to your student, as an instructor, the existence of a facsimile and the storage of pain. Remember you’re probably dealing with somebody who has no indoctrination in the mind at all. Or if he does have any indoctrination, it has been in some other direction.

The line of Religion was to some degree also a tool. I would hardly know where to define or divide mysticism and religion, except perhaps religion is a codified mysticism – codified and handed out sort of by rote.

Let’s take an indoctrination that a psychoanalyst has had. He’s had a pretty good medical background and so on, and he still tends to treat with structure. He still tends to dramatize overt acts against his patient. He evaluates. There’s one of the main differences. Your psychoanalyst, in his attitude, evaluates for the preclear. He tries to own the preclear. He tries to get the preclear, his patient, to transfer to him. He wants to be boss instead of letting this person free, whereas an auditor is trying to set this preclear free - give him his own self-determinism back. See, that’s an entirely different viewpoint than your psychoanalyst has.Now, it’s interesting to note that if your student is grounded in some old-time psychotherapy, he will still tend to try to translate everything which you tell him into the terminology in which he was trained. This is something like taking MERSIGS [Merchant ship signal flags] and translating them into Japanese, and Japanese - translating them back into English, in order to get a signal through. You don’t need the Japanese as a step. If you could just translate it straight through, just as what it is, Scientology, and the application thereof, you find it much easier.

You couldn't expect a population at large to be able to understand mysticism. It is a highly complex subject – VERY complex. It has many schools. But religion could be handed out, so perhaps – just a codification of what were considered to be good points of behavior, optimum behavior, and good catch points that would catch people's imagination or attention. These things put together in a package could be considered religion.

Your Jungian, your Adlerian, and your Freudian - classic Freudian - are doing a wonderful thing. They have taken Facsimile One without recognizing what it is - Freud did this right out of the blue. He must have keyed in Facsimile One in 1894, the second he started to work on somebody else’s mind and burst forth with his libido theory. Because Facsimile One has a lot of sexual shut-off in it; it has a lot to do with sex. And Lord, it’s got a censor in it - the censor that keeps you from doing anything else. All of these various conflicts and complexes in it are just set up as a routine.

There have been many, many, many religions – oh Lord, just hundreds of thousands, millions of religions. The religions which we happen to be operating on, on earth today, are most of them about two thousand years old, oddly enough. Those in India are older than that. But all these religions are really very young. Compared to mysticism itself, they're all young.

In other words, he did have a map of Facsimile One, but he was trying to say that Facsimile One is the human mind, and it’s not, The human mind doesn’t operate that way; Facsimile OIle operates that way.

Mohammedanism, Christianity, Buddhism, to name three, are remarkably parallel. As a matter of fact, Christ is one of the prophets in Mohammedanism and is given joss for being so. Buddha paralleled quite remarkably and preceded, Christ.

So you’d have this trouble with a person grounded in psychoanalysis. He would try to tell you all the time, as you tried to instruct him, how this translated itself into the censor, the libido, the thisa, the thata, and he’d keep on restimulating for himself, and try to restimulate for you, Facsimile One. That’s why their people don’t get well. They come in and they have all this stuff pointed out to them and they - just getting Facsimile One, Facsimile One, Facsimile One - restimulate yourself, boy; restimulate yourself, boy. This is the way to get well, this is the way to get well. Restimulate yourself. They might as well be standing there with a machine and cranking it.

Another religion, and way off from Christianity and the rest of it, is Confucianism. It's actually a philosophy of how to be a conservative citizen who is supposed to keep his nose clean. Let's be very colloquial about it, because there's no reason to treat these things seriously. This fellow Confucius said, "Well, let's all be mild and down Tone Scale and we'll all get along." And this philosophy pervaded China. Very remarkable. I think, probably since communism came in there, they've stopped it. But for many, many, many centuries the civil servant of China had to go down into the Confucian temple in Peking, and he'd sit there and read these enormous tablets and he'd have to know them all by heart. And if he knew them all by heart, then he could handle the post office inkwell or something of the sort. Rut that was more a philosophy than a religion.

So, training this student, it is absolutely necessary for you as an instructor to demonstrate to him the existence of a facsimile and the extreme simplicity of this facsimile - the very, very simple thing this facsimile is. And that’s what you should do immediately and right off the bat.

Now, you start talking about religions, I've seen some interesting religions in my day, very interesting. All through the – in this life – through the South Pacific down to the south of here and so on. There are lots of them in existence. And always, the top bracket, the boy up at the top of the religion who was busy monitoring it and handling it for the populace, was a mystic. So, you see, there is where I draw my conclusion that mysticism sort of overlies religion.

The best way to do it is with an electropsychometer. Set him down, put the cans in his hands. Pinch him - good and hard so he can feel the pinch - and show him the needle of the machine, Watch it dip the second he’s pinched. He watches that thing dip. And pinch him hard enough till it dips. And then say, “All right, go back to the moment I was pinching you” - well, he can do this easily. “Now run through and feel again this pinch.” He does and the machine dips. Well, that’s very, very peculiar - the machine dips.

So here is a line of research, but nobody was willing to take this line. They would take religion. It didn't require any understanding; it just said, "You've got to have faith, fellow, And if you have enough faith, you've got faith, and && that's fine. Now just step up here to the rail, drop your nickel on the drum" and froth a little bit, and && you're all set," As a matter of fact, it works. It works.

“Now run through - run through your resistance to this effort I’m putting into your arm. This effort I am putting into your arm, run through your resistance to it.” And he’ll watch the machine dip, dip, dip, dip. Many times you’ll have to go through it a lot more times than you’d have to through a real incident. And shift his attention, if you have to, to get that up, shift his attention to the top of his shoulder, whereas you pinched him on the arm. And get that effort. And get that effort to register on the machine. All of a sudden, he says, “That’s very strange. The pinch that went into my arm was stored or recorded somehow.”

There's no sense being light about it particularly, because it was a terrifically necessary tool in handling civilizations where one had no real insight into what made the mind work. You could take religion and you could say, "Well, we may not get you in this life, fellow, but we're going to get you in the next." And that would make fellows pause.

Now get his emotion as he was pinched, and you’ll see that there’s a little emotional curve bob. Particularly - you want to pay attention to this - do it suddenly. Pinch him suddenly Just reach out suddenly and pinch him, without telling him you’re going to pinch him, and you’ve got a nice emotional curve to show him on the machine.

Now, for instance, any area which was punitively religious might be considered by you to be a very holy area. Hm-mm. An area was given religion to the exact ratio that it was bad, wicked and evil. And the more wicked it was, the more they gave it religion, until religion would look like a tidal wave after a while, trying to hit this place and knock it flat.

Now, he knows he’s got the somatic out, Now show him this curve bobbing. Very often they’ll run the somatic and the curve. You see the effort - somatic is part of the effort.

You take the accounts of the early days of America, and you'll find a thievish, cutthroat existence being lived by our Pilgrim Fathers, the like of which would sound awfully awfully bad to a Boston censor. And how did they get to him? How did they get to these fellows? Well, they got to them with religion – crush! Their punitiveness was actually an effort to make a civilization by codified laws. And that was the use of religion. And that IS the use of religion. And any thinker or philosopher back through all times agrees with that definition. It's not my definition. Religion is a mechanism for the control of the people. It is not an effort to promote understanding. Mysticism, however, was an effort toward reaching an understanding. That gives you some separation of data in the matter.

Sometimes they’ll just run the pain without running the effort. But you direct them through on this, time after time, and get their thoughts when they were pinched. And then have them try to get some feeling of your emotion while they were pinched. And they’ll see all of this registering on the machine, and all of a sudden they will see the machine settled back to where it was before you did this to them. And you see - “Now, you see, you recorded a facsimile, and I rubbed it out. And it was on record.”

Now, I don't know of very many more routes of understanding that were punitively followed or pursued, beyond mysticism, magic. Magic, by the way, is a very precise study. Most people think of magic in terms of stage magicians or something of the sort. It's not. Magic is not. It is a method of producing effects by using, for cause, the supernatural. And there's spiritualism, as something which is not mysticism. These are routes, routes, routes.

Actually, as simple as this may seem to you, it is quite revelatory to some people. It would knock a psychoanalyst practically off of his chair. He would try to say, “Well now, let’s see, you got a delusion or a hallucination or something of the sort that this was taking place, and that hallucination deluded it?” or something of the sort. He would not care to look at a real recording unless you were to show him a picture and you were to say, “Now look, that’s a picture. It’s got a house in it. And I take this eraser and I erase the house. I’ve still got the sheet of paper. Now, that’s all we’re doing. Simple. Nothing to it. But let’s not try to make it complicated, because it’s easy.” All right, The next thing that you could do, still showing him the machine, would show him that his thoughts had recording value. You say, “Do you remember your father?” The machine does a little bob, rather, “Did your father ever punish you?” The machine does a bigger bob. “Let’s recall a time when your father punished you.” The machine does a big bob. “Now let’s remember it, remember it, remember it.” Bing. All of a sudden the machine isn’t bobbing, and he is not bothered. And he realizes suddenly he isn’t quite as bothered about this.

And what are all these people studying, and where are they trying to go, and what are they trying to get? They're trying to get the source of man and trying to discover the extent of, and recover the use of, all of his latent powers of personality. And that, actually, is the complete goal in this search. Not necessarily to uncover the gods and shake them by the right hand. Let's recover man and find out if man ever was a god. And if he was, why did he stop being a god.

Now, that’s straight memory. That demonstrates that he can be in present time without very - any close contact with this facsimile and pick things out of it.

An effort to discover what is an individual: Is there such a thing as a relatively pure individual? If so, and if there ever has been, how did he get debased? Or, if there is a debased individual at the source, how do you purify him and raise him up?

That’s memory: picking things out of a facsimile which isn’t even brought up.

These are very serious studies, and these have been studied by man through all of his days, however many millennia that is. These things are actually studied by the Australian bushman, as primitive as he is. And they are studied by the head of a corporation in the United States, no matter how big and materialistic that is. Oh yes, he studies them, he very definitely does. He wants to know how to get good personnel and make them better. Oh, he hires people to give them tests and he hires morale experts and he hires this and that and so forth. He works on this ceaselessly: how to make these people better, how to make them cooperate better and so on. In other words, it's a material study, or it is a spiritual study, whichever way you want to look at it. But that's what you're studying in Scientology.

Or, as in the case of being pinched in the arm, you can take the euhole picture - the whole facsimile - and hold it up and run it across him again. This demonstration will demonstrate to him that this exists and that something happens. You demonstrate phenomena to him.

And I'm trying to bring it home to you that it hasn't been very long that we've had a tool by which to recover some actual data. In the first place, it was not known too well that man could pick up these memories, these facsimiles, complete and in their entirety, that they were all on file. Techniques for picking them up and examining them minutely were not known. As a result, man's knowledge lacked the sense, measure and experience factor.

That’s the first thing your student has to know. The phenomena exists. And you show it to him with a psychometer and with pinching him and a few other things - just the basic phenomena.

Therefore, what I tell you about this from here on is based on study using a new tool. The laws of delusion and the laws of actuality have been looked over very thoroughly. You can tell the difference between a delusion and an actuality; any day, you can tell the difference between the two. Laws of delusion follow certain definite laws, and laws of actuality follow certain definite laws. Sorting out carefully, and more carefully than was ever sorted out in the past, all hallucination and delusion from this body of data that can be sorted out from it, we examine, then, nothing but that which remains as actuality.

All right. The next thing, if you’re teaching him to audit, is not to ask him to try his skill 100 percent on a preclear the first time. Actually, he’ll be scared to death. This is something he mustn’t touch. He’s superstitious about it. He has gained the idea that the phenomena exists, You can even show him that past lives exist by the machine behavior. You can account for various things for him. But this still has not gotten across this one bridge - he hasn’t touched a preclear’s mind yet.

And we discover something that looks like this: We discover that there is a main body of thought, just as there is a main body of potential knowledge. That thought and knowingness are themselves equivalents; they are more or less similar, they're the same order of thing. Data and knowledge, and the very thing on which one records experience, are similar things.

Now, he expects the preclear to blow up or something strange to happen if he does something to this mind. So what you do is take a - old copy of Self Analysis or the Handbook for Preclears, even better, and you put it in his hands and you give him a preclear. And you make him read this thing to the preclear, Make him make the preclear recall these things. And give him a little indoctrination along in this line and his confidence will come up the line.

Now, here we have this, what we call, main body of theta. Now, we find breaking off from this main body of theta (which, by the way, has no space or time) – we find breaking off from it and entering upon, to some slight degree, the track of time, a small bit of the whole universe. In other words, more or less the same thing, but on a smaller edition. Now, you – it's very hard to use words like smaller and bigger because, you see, something that has neither space nor time is neither small nor big. It doesn't either have portions as we know them in the MEST universe, but this does not mean that in its own universe it does not have portions.

Then have him run what you might call emotional curves on the preclear a little bit: feeling this emotion, feeling that emotion, getting it here, getting it there. He’ll find out the emotional curve exists. And then you can assign to him running a secondary.

So, we take this little bit here, and all of a sudden it stands out there – it breaks away.

Now the running of the secondary, as you know, is not very complex, but many secondaries are badly shut down. You have him run a secondary: have him go from the beginning to the end, get the exact moment and all the perceptions on the preclear when the preclear received some bad news, and run those through to the end of the incident - maybe ten minutes later, maybe an hour later or a day later - and keep running that through, over and over and over and over. But remembering that if it doesn’t spill, it has overt acts before it, so have him go find the overt act again. But again, this is just emotional. Just emotion - that’s all you want out of these incidents. That is running a secondary.

Now, it inherently knows, it is cause, it is a high state of beingness, it is a pure theta entity.

You could even permit him to run an engram and validate for himself, either in himself or on a preclear - particularly on a preclear - the fact that things are recorded during periods of unconsciousness.

Now, many of these break off, many of them break off. There are lots of them. Lots of them break off, And each one at that moment of breakaway is in the first stage of its individuation. It has entered upon the track of time, and at that moment it becomes an individual to that extent that it is separate from other individuals. It possesses the potentiality and capability of animating and motivating matter, energy in space and time. And so it breaks off and enters upon this time track here, and it becomes a little bit of MEST to the degree that it is entered upon MEST.

Now, oddly enough, this is not hard to demonstrate. Your psychologist, whenever he moved in on this science, tried to give somebody a PDH and then run it out. And, of course, the PDH would lie on... That is to say, he would drug him and say things to him and so forth, and then say, “Well - well, this - this science doesn’t work, you see, because we can’t get it back.”

But it never ceases to be anything but what it is. But that it enters upon MEST merely means that it's being recorded on by MEST, not that MEST becomes a part of it. But the more recordings it gets – the more recordings it gets from MEST, the greater the effort it makes to align and straighten out the chaos which is the material universe, the more turbulent those recordings look, until it itself no longer completely knows. It knows less and less and less and less, the more and more and more it experiences.

Well, every time you PDH somebody, it’s liable to lie right on top of Facsimile One, and it’s impossible to pull the thing off. So therefore they say he can’t record during unconsciousness. Great.

Now, where it goes from here, one is not quite prepared to say, after it leaves this MEST universe at the end of ALL of its existences in this MEST universe. One is not prepared to say at this time, but one can guess. It either joins a new pool of theta over here which is changed somehow, or it simply goes back and joins that one. Now, we haven't, at this time, been there to that point where it finishes this line. So let's just talk about it from a time standpoint.

Now, you see, it isn’t necessary to do that. If you want to prove this, just shut off somebody’s blood flow. There’s a jugular vein here - their blood flowing on either side of the esophagus. And you just press those with your thumb and forefinger a little bit and the guy will get a little bit dizzy. And then you say, “Run back through it again,” Ask the fellow, “Now, did you perceive anything in the room while you were feeling that dizziness?”

Here we are in time, and we find this entered in upon the material universe. How long does it stay there? Well, it stays there for a long, long time. And it becomes more and more individual; it becomes individuated. As it comes down Tone Scale, it becomes more and more individual.

He’ll say, “No.” Or “Yeah, I know everything that was going on,” One way or the other.

Did you ever read anything by Charles Dickens? You will notice in those books that actually he doesn't characterize anybody. He uses an eccentricity, an aberration, and this aberration sort of walks around through the story and is a funny character. And by the way, watching this aberration parade through the story is very amusing reading. But there is individuation by aberration. The more and more aberrated it becomes, the further and further it separates, why, the less and less it has in common with its original intent and the more and more individuality it has, until it passes a center point – a low point (it's not center point, it's low on the scale) – and after that sort of reassumes a similarity to all other entities. And then – means it's just too deeply pushed into the MEST universe and it is mostly, if you looked at its recordings, just MEST universe.

Run him through this little period of uncon- you don’t have to hurt him. He goes through it a few times, and all of a sudden he becomes aware of the fact that there was an automobile that went past when he did that, there was this that went past, there was this or that that happened, the sensation of him sitting on the chair. All of these things were there. But to straight memory they were covered up.

That's somebody below 2 on the tone scale. They aren't even eccentric, really, below 2 on the Tone Scale. They have a horrible degree of similarity. Where you get your eccentricity, where you get your actual individuality, is between 32 and 2 on the tone band. And there's a terrific differentiation and difference in individuals along about 8 or 10. There's where you get your highest demonstrated individuality, actually, and below that it sags off pretty badly.

Now, better than this, take him down the track to an incident where he hurt himself - the preclear hurt himself. And take him back to a time - maybe he hit his thumb with a hammer. Crash! Well, obviously he knows everything that was there. But after you’ve run him through it a few times, all of a sudden the incident gets wider and wider and wider and wider. There was more and more data concealed in that hammer blow. And this demonstrates to him that effort and emotion do cover up perceptions - effort and emotion cover up perceptions. And that there was data buried in a moment of unconsciousness, because there was a moment of unconscious when he hit his finger with a hammer. You see? So you can demonstrate this phenomena to him. Very simple.

Now, its modus operandi – that is to say, the way it works along the space-time line – is quite simple. It has prepared for itself at the beginning of time a genetic line – a protoplasm line. Life has worked up protoplasm lines. It could even be a different – slightly different form of this theta works up these protoplasm Lines. But it knows enough to work up a protoplasm line, and so you get procreation – get and beget, and beget and get, and get and beget, and so forth, column after column. And this protoplasm line goes along through time. The funny part of it is, is there's a terrific desperation on the part of an unknowing theta which has lost its individuality to keep that protoplasm line continuous, keep it continuous.

If you want the student to get a further reality on this subject, make him be masochistic to this extent: have him take his right foot and stamp on his left toes. And then take his left foot and stamp on his right toes. And then run out the right foot only. Run out the right foot only. And he will be able to see that his left foot keeps on hurting, but his right foot isn’t hurting now. That’s a very simple experiment, but it demonstrates to him that a facsimile was what kept his right foot hurting, and it demonstrates to him that you can do something about it. And that that’s what auditing does. These are little proofs, easy ones.

And actually, it is a reservoir or a treasure of structure – to a large degree it's inherent structure – and what has been learned about structure carries along this line. The horrible part of this is, however, that the protoplasm line, evidently, could be cut off sharp and theta, on one world, could begin all over again and still keep it rolling. And it probably wouldn't take it very many thousand years to have it back up to the present form you're in now. It would not be very disastrous, in other words, to have an enormous change. For instance, the surface of the earth could change so that it was uniformly 150 degrees Fahrenheit; it'd wipe out all life immediately. Wouldn't be very long before theta had readapted itself to the point where it had 150 degree capability in the organism.

But his first address to the other mind, as I say, ought to be the handbook. Let him take it easy. He will get up to a point where, if he hit a terror charge, he would run it out instead of run away from it. Let him become accustomed to his tools, little by little, each time gaining reality on what he is doing.

Now, the point is, then, that here you have line one, which is a genetic line. Now here in this physical universe we have this genetic line. [marking on blackboard] This genetic line goes from conception, birth, procreation; conception, birth, procreation. Doesn't include the death line. Conception, birth, procreation – that is its cycle. That is strictly genetic. Genes, chromosomes, sperm, ovum, XY factors and so forth – that's a good solid line that keeps going there. Now, it's sort of the stuff that the theta line uses to build its houses.

He has to have subjective reality, furthermore. An auditor who does not have subjective reality on this subject finds it very difficult to understand what is happening to the preclear. He can study until he is the best-read person in Scientology, and he still will not be a good auditor if he has never touched physical pain in himself, if he’s never experienced an emotion out of a facsimile. If he doesn’t have any reality on this, he is not a good auditor. And he will actually cut down the preclear.

Now, over here – over here paralleling it, is a theta line, and that's a theta body line. Now, this is the original stuff here. [tapping on blackboard] It's gathering all sorts of its knowledge. And its cycle – its cycle is preconception – severa1 days preconception – conception, birth, procreation, death – jump-off; preconception, conception, birth, procreation, death, jump-off. You know, I mean your death factor comes in there every time, so that your order of cycle is different.

Now, I have seen somebody trained in an old psychotherapy doing a jobs of auditing when auditing had never been done on them, And I stress this “an old psychotherapy” for this reason: there you’re going to have the most trouble. A medical doctor with a terrific, terrific fund of information, with enormous backlog of skill, with obviously a basic purpose of making people well, would apparently be the most valuable student that you could get. And so he is the most valuable student that you could get. But unfortunately, when you try to train him, you’re training up against preconcept that structure monitors function, not the reverse.

Preconception: it joins the line before conception. And by the way, you can run almost any preclear back into several days before the conception sequence, several days – oh, usually on either side. And you run them up to conception, then it runs on up the line; birth, runs up the line; procreation, up the line; death. That's the theta line. Then a NEW preconception – joining of the genetic line – and so on. In other words, this theta line is wandering along here in and out on the genetic line, and the genetic line is sort of like passengers getting on and off a railroad train. The genetic line is a consecutive railroad train and the theta line is a passenger line.

And you’re going to have to scan him through practically his whole medical education. Because he will do this to a preclear: He will run the preclear to find some reality for himself. And he’ll keep asking the preclear, “Now, how do you know? Are you sure this wasn’t just this right hip’s calcification?” or something of the sort, And his unreality to a preclear who is a bit foggy with anaten will knock the preclear right straight on down the Tone Scale.

Now, oddly enough – oddly enough, not all of this theta does a departure on death. Very strange manifestation. You'll find this in preclears quite ordinarily. They do a departure, all right, at the moment of death, with most of the theta. I say "most of the theta." Some attention is still being placed on the body, and there is still some interest on the part of this theta body in the body that's being buried. And so you get another line, which is the dead man line. And there you have actually some attention still in the corpse.

So when you’re training a person who has been in psychotherapy or in medicine, you take particular pains with the establishment of subjective reality to that auditor; otherwise you will be losing a potentially very valuable auditor, because he’ll be a bad auditor when he ought to be a good one.

And it's a most remarkable thing. You start to run some poor unsuspecting preclear back up the line – and all of a sudden he runs the death all right and then keeps right on going – in the body, in that body. And there he is in the casket and they bury him. And twenty-five years later what's happening to him, then, he's probably being troubled by seepage. (laughter) And then they run it along a few years afterwards and the chest bones cave in, and "Now, what's happening to you?"

Now, you pay attention, then, to establishing subjective reality in him, knocking out preconcepts, his old postulates - not so much what he has been taught, but what he himself concluded during his boyhood and during his medical training with regard to the body. It doesn’t take much time to swamp this up. And he can then reevaluate an enormous amount of data, which immediately becomes available to Scientology and to his preclears.

"Well, I've sort of turned to dust now," and so on. And I've picked up – have picked up funeral orations, & remarkable funeral orations & – and all sorts of bric-a-brac.

There is one doctor in New York City who was taught Straightwire. I taught him Straightwire. He learned it crudely. He hobson-jobsoned it; that is to say - the reason I use this word hobson- jobson is because when the British soldier went to India he learned how to speak Hindu, or something of the sort - at least he thought he did. And the Hindus had a word they call - that sounded like hobsen-jobsen. And so the British Tommy went in there and he said that that word after that was Hobson-Jobson. That’s what you call hobson-jobsoning something.

Theta, in other words, is still keeping an eye on that body. Of course, there's no limit to what theta can keep an eye on or what it can give its attention to. And it actually isn't anything trapped in the body; it's just the fact that this theta line, having lived through that body for one lifetime, is accustomed to keeping an eye on it, so it just sort of – on the side, sort of keeps an eye on it.

You will find these people will hobson-jobson, They’ll take a word... All of a sudden you say, “Now, this machine goes whirrr, whirr, whirr and bap, bap, bap, and this guy is told that he will no longer be able to experience sexual pleasure,” or something of the sort.

And you find some poor little kid five years of age, and Mama says, "Now, you have to sleep in the dark."

And the psychotherapist is liable to say to himself - without telling you - he’s liable to say, “Oh, yes, yes In other words, that machine restimulated his libido theory and gave him this concept.” “Oh, no. The machine installed the libido theory.”

Well, he's still got some of his attention, without knowing, you see – because individuation is a separation from knowingness – without knowing it, underneath his level of monitoring, he's got an eye on his old corpse. And "Mama, I see skeletons!" he will say, and he'll have horrible nightmares about it. And she'll come in, of course, and turn off the light and lock the door on him and punish him if he keeps this up. The point of the matter is, he is – he's lying there in a coffin someplace in East Yardsborough and seepage is troubling him, or something.

“Well, how did it install it? I mean, after all the human mind works in this fashion and ...” You see, you’d be off to the races immediately.

One naval officer ran his mother, and lo and behold, way back someplace or other she had gotten stuck in a glacier. And the theta body had had so many facsimiles of trying to get her out of this glacier that a LOT of attention stayed on this body in the glacier. And mama was having chills and fever and chills and so on, and he never did get it completely run out, but he said, "That's all right. She's been stuck in it for the last couple of thousand years. Who cares?" (laughter) And Mama, by the way, was quite perplexed – quite perplexed to find herself a dead body in a glacier.

So you must be careful when you’re training students to know that they know what you’re talking about. Don’t leave anything hanging up in the air with them.

Anyway, you can run anybody through this sequence if you want to fool with it. You'll pick up some very, very touching things. You'll pick up the widow coming to the grave and putting flowers on it and so on. Although the fellow is six feet under, you see, he can still perceive, because theta – it does not have a location in space or time. It just thinks it has.

All right. Now, all the training in the world is not going to overcome a lack of this subjective reality. And all the training in the world is - that’s only education, after all - is not going to make an optimum individual or a Clear. Your best auditor is euay up the Tone Scale. He has been completely swamped up himself. Then he can commit all the “overt acts” he wants to against this preclear. In other words, he can make him get well, and that might be an overt act to the preclear, you see?

All right. I ran one, one time, of consecutive Confederate Memorial Days. Year after year they all came around and they give the same powwow about "our brave Southern dead" and so forth. So one day I wrote down the whole oration. It didn't vary. Boy, was that histrionic. God! It's no wonder I never wrote with that prose line.

And he can do most anything in this. Furthermore, he can think faster. And furthermore, he doesn’t have any difficulty with the realities of the thing, because his own sense of reality is very, very high.

But don't become mistaken on the fact that theta cannot do a consecutive line, because it definitely can – a simultaneous line, a parallel line, and so on. Because it doesn't have location in space or time, it can be in more than one place at once. Because "one place," you mean that, that's MEST universe, and theta isn't in MEST universe, you see? At no time is it ever in MEST universe, so therefore it can be in body one while it is still in a grave with body minus one, while it is still on a genetic line or willing or ready to take off on another genetic line as another body. And even so, it can go over and do a life continuum for somebody else simultaneously.

So any time you’re training auditors, you better encourage them, by this process of taking it a little bit at a time and a little bit at a time and a little bit at a time, to get their hands wet, you might say, and dirty up to the wrist in other people’s engrams. And get them to work on each other and get your advanced students to work on the earlier students up to a point - with good auditing - so that you wind up with students who are cleared.

It can do all of these things. It just means a great complexity to it. Problems. In other words, too many facsimiles don't jibe with enough facsimiles, and so it starts getting confused. It doesn't know – doesn't know what it's supposed to be monitoring in the physical universe, and it gets confused about what it's supposed to be monitoring.

Now there’s - you got all the tools, there aren’t any bugs left in this. There are no bygs left in it. There’s nothing left hangincg out. You’ve got the tools, you learn the tools, you apply them with good reality, with good confidence, well learned - you get Clears. All right, then you’ve really got auditors. Then you’ve really got auditors.

Now, the more it learns and the more it knows, the easier it is for it to control and monitor; the more it can coordinate. The more data can be brought together into the same package, the same bundle, the more it knows. And this doesn't say that it immediately becomes just one individual. It just knows more about who it is. And if you had somebody really cleared up the line, he could probably think as any one of three or four individuals and think in the past too, and he would not even be faintly confused about it.

If you could, for instance, clear a medical doctor, you would have somebody that could go around creating more miracles in less time...

But what – when he doesn't know that he is anything or is anywhere else than where he is, he gets these strange things happening to him and he gets very confused; he doesn't know where they come from. And as a net result, he can demonstrate far more aberration than he can demonstrate if he just knew what was going on.

Now, as I was saying, this medical doctor in New York City was doing very, very bad Straightwire. He was unable to give more than about fifteen minutes, at the outside, to a patient.

An unknown datum can produce aberration. And when theta – a theta body does not know what is going on, it definitely can exhibit very aberrated behavior. But if it knew for sure and with good reality that it was, for instance, inhabiting ten bodies – it was ten people simultaneously, right there – if it just knew that and if it knew for sure what its track was and knew more or less where it had come from and knew more or less what had happened to it, and knew it with some security, everything would go up Tone Scale for that theta body without running a single incident.

Patients come into their office just in streams, you see, one after the other. And they have to do a short stopgap something or other for them. The patient wants something done for them; they’re not going to stay around there for hours and audit and be audited. One of the ways a doctor can do this is have some auditors around to handle his patients - but, beside the point.

Now the test of this – I have been giving you as a study or a scheme of theta – a test of this is does a person come up the Tone Scale and become less aberrated by just knowing about this and experiencing it himself? And the fact of the matter is, he very definitely does, So for my computations, this has worked out and past theories have not.

This doctor was a specialist in Parkinson’s disease. And people would come in there with Parkinson’s disease just on assembly lines. And i this doctor knew enough about Straightwire to knock out some maybes... And, by George, he was turning off Parkinson’s disease something like three out of five.

And how much time was he giving on the thing? It was just patient after patient. And he called me up one day and he said, “Someday I’m going to learn some more about your subject.” He says, “It must be able to do better than this,” And I went over and talked to him for a little while over in New York one day and found out that he was using the lowest possible order of Straighnvire and was getting results like this. Why?

He was a doctor; people went there to get well. He would knock out a maybe; it gave them an excuse to get well. Bang! So their Parkinson’s disease would turn off. He was completely unaware of how long it would stay turned off, but, mind you, he’d never been able to get anybody turned off on Parkinson’s disease with regularity before. So he was quite interested. But the odd part of it was, he was taking it as routine. Nobody said to him, “Well, there’s times when this can’t be done and times when it can be done, and so forth.” He just happened to come over one day and heard a talk by me, and he said, “That’s a very interesting idea.” And he went back to his office and went to work and never talked to anybody else about it.

By the time he was talked to and told “Well, this can’t be any good,” and “Really you should do all of this with a globe of the world hanging as a pendant from the left chandelier,” or something - when he was told that “all this other stuff ...” and “it was a modification of something else” - he had so much reality on it that he just looked at these people and he said, “You’re crazy! This works,” And went on collecting twenty-five dollars, twenty-five dollars, twenty-five dollars, twenty-five dollars. It was a wonderful business he was generating over there. I think he’s still very, very much in business. I haven’t heard from him from [for] ages. He never did learn any more about this subject than that.

You get the person out of the maybes, and then he gets well. He went away with this thought firmly fixed in his head. He didn’t even know some good smart ways to get them out of the maybes. He just sort Of said, “Are you in a maybe?” and “What was the last time you felt indecisive?”

And the fellow said, “Well, I guess I was on the train going in from Long Island,” “And what were you doing?” “Well, I was reading a paper.” “What were you reading in the paper?”

“Well, about a stock market crash. I remember the incident very well. As a matter of fact, that was about four days before I got sick,” “Oh, yeah? Stock market crash. How did that influence you? What did you have in the air at that time?” so on.

And the guy says so-and-so and so-and-so. “And I didn’t trust my partner,” “Well, has your partner worked out since?” “Oh, he turned out to be an awful crook.”

“Oh, well, then you found out that he was crooked and the stock market crash was imminent and so forth, and this...” And the doctor doesn’t even know what the fellow’s business concern is, you see? And the fellow says, “Yeah?” and laughs suddenly and stops shaking. Well, so he said, “This is fine.”

Now, you understand that if you give an auditor just the conviction on one tool - like your Chart of Attitudes There are auditors out all over the country now, they have the Hundbook for Preclears. It gives them a chart of attitudes. They’re not even working overt acts with that chart, by the way. They don’t know about it, most of them. They’re working it as counter-attitude. “When was this done to you?” And they take this chart and they take this book, and they’re giving a few hours this way and that. They’re using it. Sometimes they don’t even give this book to the preclear, They just work with those techniques.

And the next thing you know, you have a preclear who is way up the Tone Scale, And they call these people swamped-up, optimum, super, something of the sort, merely because they never saw anybody up that high before. It’s somebody - like saying, “Look at that fellow standing up there on the Empire State Building.” Look at him, clear up in the stratosphere!” Oh no, he’s not in the stratosphere.

But what I’m telling you is that a broad, foggy, unreal knowledge of this subject is nowhere near as valuable as one scrap of real information which you have seen produce a result. The techniques in the Handbook for Preclear will produce that result.

If you were to take these students and train them to deliver Straightwire processing - just straight memory on all the attitudes in the charts as overt acts by themselves against the other dynamics ... If you were just to teach them to use this chart, to ask the questions column by column, and you were to tell them - by the way, there’s two additional charts on that. There’s two additional columns - there’s fourteen buttons, not twelve.

The top of the column is “win” and the bottom of it is “lose.” A preclear who’s low on the Tone Scale can’t win - he won’t win - and up at the top he will win. And the next button: He’s completely free at the top of the scale and at the bottom he’s completely restrained; he’s dead. So what you do is run “restraint” and “degrees of restraint.” When he’s tried to put restraint on the world around him, he has restrained himself. Now, you just run these, then, as a Straightwire process.

If you trained a student to do nothing but that and sent him out to the old soldiers’ home to practice, he would come back saying, “Well, what do you know, what do you know. Gee! There’s a couple old fellows out there in the Spanish-American War, and one of them had lumbago so bad he couldn’t walk, and you know, I worked on him for about a half an hour this morning, and he’s walking!” Sure, we know he’s walking, It works.

But that is a lot better than to give him a whole bunch of odds and ends of technique which he unclearly understands - willfully misunderstanding - and he has no subjective reality himself.

In other words, introduce the subject to him step by step with all the reality which you can give him on the subject - not by telling him he has to believe, because he natively, inherently, is himself belief.

Not by telling him he has to have faith, because he natively is faith, but by telling him that “Here is data, phenomena which you can understand, which can be understood, which is real. We’re only asking you to find out for yourself that it is real and then apply what you know out of it is real to others and get results.”

(Recording ends abruptly)